Sunday, December 16, 2007

The last week

A sea of field peas
Using local grass in our gabions to control the flow of water next to the driveway
Getting help from the bigger artillery to make our swale a bit bigger

We had a farm track collapsing because of all the rain, more work to put on the listRemains of better days
Not on our land, we just went for a walk in the neighborhood

Some shots of everyday life

All the Agapanthus are flowering at the house we are renting
Siphoning out the water from the dam to do some work on the wall
It is almost empty, but with all the rain we have been it has filled up again. We have decided to wait until February to do the work, it is just to wet right now
Deep down in the valley, below where we are building the house
Planting veggies into the cover crop of field peas
Jessie and Tanya at another one of our dams
There has been a lot of planting going on, and it is coming up strong
The small swales are doing their job providing water to the freshly planted trees
We got hold of some good clumping bamboo
A lot of trees
We are using some of our own timber for the garden fence

The House

We are almost done with the outside shell
The view from the kitchen window
Some nicely framed shots

The windows and doors are being put into their place

A lot of bolts and nuts, and of course some steel

Looks a bit naked