Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Chooks, steel and garden stuff

Our four newly arrived chooks - nice looking birds from the sunshine coast
Yeap, that's a chicken tractor
Putting a fence around the veggie garden, you do have to dig down the fence because of our friends the rabbits

Posts marking the corner of the raised beds in the garden - can be used for many things, but mainly so that the garden hose doesn't take a shortcut across the beds
Tanya's herb spiral of her own design
There are many walkways in the garden - which means a lot of effort to make them work properly
You gotta love that fieldpea - only $3.95 a kilo as seeds and it is the hardest working seed in the mix
It was only a couple of weeks ago we seeded up the swale
The second shed

We just had 25 mm of rain, so we got the tanks set up just in time
Well, that worked out good
Levelling the pad for the tanks
They are so fast getting the frame up - hours not days

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