Sunday, July 15, 2007

3rd Week

The work on the 3 major dams are to follow the house site and driveway

Making the opening for the new driveway

Dumptrucks brings the material up from the damsite to spread it on the house pad

Two trucks shuttled material all day - 15 to 20 min. return trip

It's good stuff, we are lucky to have a patch of it not to far away on our own land

While we getting the material we need for the house pad and driveway, we also digging out an old dam site that needs repair.

The driveway leading away from the house

We have done everything to make it as gentle of a slope as possible
The whole site sits on a slope, so we have had to "cut and fill" to make it level

Fairly gentle slope leading down to the shed area
The colour of the clay makes a nice contrast on the landscape
The cut for the retaining wall that will separate the house from the "parking lot - turn around area

Cold morning with frost in the gullies
I actually had to scrape the ice of the windows on the truck that morning

Making sure the site for the two big water tanks are level
Lawrence spreading out and level the site
We want the tanks to sit as high as possible, because we will gravity feed to house and shed. The site is the highest spot in the surrounding area.
After clearing the area it is time to build it up with material
The future water tank site
Playing with the laser level to plan for future contour swales and maybe another dam. It is easy to go crazy with the permaculture ideas, but it does make me see the landscape in a more dynamic way.
Rock and Roll
Whenever David has a moment to spare on the excavator he is busy pulling up old stumps

These we got out with the dozer, but we had to call in the blaster the next day for two even bigger ones.

We did run into a few big boulders

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